His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Switching Things Around

Today I have been busy!  I plan on deleting at least two of my email accounts.  I created a personal email account within a current account.  I've been trying to switch everything over to the new email account.  It's so much work! 

Other than that, we had nice weather today!  Kyle goes back to school tomorrow! 

I joined a new mineral makeup company yesterday!  Feel free to visit my site!  I also received a company email address!


  1. Congraduations in joining a new company. I wish you lots of success with it. I can related on switching email accounts. I did that this weekend. I have been transfering everything from my verizon account to my yahoo account. I am thinking about creating a hotmail account for my business. So that makes two email accounts that I have to keep up with.

  2. I am excited about this company! I am getting back into advertising again!

  3. Good Luck! I don't really advertised online unless I have some stuff in my Etsy store. Other than that my orders come from locally by crocheting in public or someone I haven't see in a long time wanted to stay in touch with me. I give them my business card that have my business name, email address, phone numbers and part of my address
