His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Days off, Job Interview, and More

I joined facebook a few days ago. I am still getting used to it's features and where to find everything. Still not sure what it all means. But it's very fun and active. I can comment on my friends status, and have live chats with friends.

I ended up staying up until Shannon got home last night. This week, I haven't been sleeping very much or all that well, perhaps from stress and worries. Shannon also messed up my week! LOL Last week he said he had Wednesday and Thursday off, and it turns out he has Tuesday and Wednesday off instead! ARGH! At least I have my training for work on Wednesday! I don't want to schedule anything when I am home alone with my son, there are no guarantees that he won't need me for something. With that, I plan according to my husband's ever-changing schedule.

Anyway, something good may come to us! I have a feeling that it could be fate and perfect timing. Shannon and I have been looking for other jobs for him for the last few months. A few weeks ago, Shannon's Human Resources manager sent his resume to a "sister property" that was hiring for a manager position. That HR manager called Shannon asking if he was interested, etc. Shannon never called her back because it was for an "assistant" position and this property was in another state. So, a few weeks went by and Shannon gets an email from his HR manager, it was an email from the other HR manager asking if he was still interested! As Shannon is telling me this, I asked him why is he reconisidering this position. He said that he thinks it's odd that she's still looking to hire for this position after a few weeks went by. So he emailed her back last night. Of course, I am excited about all of this. But we also have to consider if they will pay for relocation. If not, we won't even move. The position listed on the website is for an "assistant manager" so we're not sure what that means. Shannon will have to clarify that with the HR lady. Hopefully he can set up a phone interview with her! This position is in Arkansas in a little city, he said it was a "blip" on the map. Shannon looked it up on google earth and he said it's near a big lake.

After he told me all this, I couldn't sleep so I stayed up til about 1:30 AM. LOL I ended up finishing up watching The Bachelor and Jon & Kate Plus 8.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I'm on facebook to!!! So arkansas huh??? wow that is like in the middle of no where! lol no wonder the position may still be 'open?' lol Just kidding!! I love the show John and Kate+8
    But I could NEVER fathom having that many kids!!! Look me up on Facebook! Just type in Sabrae Carter in the search box in the upper right hand corner!
