His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mirror Image

We went to Walmart yesterday. We bought some food with our WIC a few other things.

In addition, we bought Kyle a mirror! It's the kind that hangs on the back of a door, I saw the same one at Kmart and Walmart had it for $4.99 cheaper! We bought Kyle a mirror because my MIL has a mirror that hangs on the wall above a table that's a little higher than a desk and Kyle would always climb up on top of the table just so he can see himself in the mirror! When I think back, Kyle has always liked mirrors. When he was an infant, I would stand in front of a mirror and he would just stare at himself in amazement. I would ask him if he's looking at his twin.

We have the mirror leaning against the wall next to the bed, that way if it gets knocked over, it will fall on the bed and not the floor. He's quickly figured out how to put the mirror back against the wall when he knocks it over.

Kyle played with the mirror for a bit yesterday and he's been playing in front of the mirror for most of today! He loves taking his socks off and then putting them back on himself, or even taking his shirt and pants off and put them back on. Now he can watch himself do all of those things! Free entertainment for our 3 1/2 year old!

I have noticed that Kyle is truly asserting his independence! A few days ago and even this morning, I picked out his clothes (as I do everyday), and he doesn't like the shirt I choose. Kyle and I go through all of his shirts and he refuses all of them! LOL So today, he went without a shirt!

He enjoys playing in front of the mirror, making faces at himself, taking off his clothes, and putting them back on.

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