His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Backpack Program

Happy Halloween!  Last week, Kyle's teachers sent home a note asking parents to send two bags of candy and little toys.  They were going to make treat bags on Halloween to take home.  Kyle came home with a huge bag of candy! 

The school also sent a note home letting us know that he qualifies for the Backpack Program.  Once a month, they will send him home with a backpack full of non-perishable food for him to eat on the weekends.  The backpack is to be returned to school the following Tuesday.  I filled out the form and will send it back to school with him tomorrow.  I am glad we will be receiving free food from the school!

Shannon will be working the rest of the week.  He has to work both jobs on Saturday.  He will be working Friday night from 11pm until 7am and then he has to work the college football game [on Saturday] from 10am until the end of the game.  He is going to see if he can get off early that day.  Then he has to work Saturday night from 11pm until 7am!  Wow!  What a schedule!  He will get only a few hours of sleep on Saturday morning before he has to go to work at the football game. He will be getting full time hours this week which will really help us.  Hopefully by next month, we won't have to use my EE Bonds to pay the rent and bills! 

He also starts at Best Buy next week and they are going to work around his security supervisor job.  

Since Shannon has to work the rest of the week, we went to Walmart tonight for a small trip.  We bought enough food to last us a week or two. 

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