His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Personal Time

I've been catching up on letters and yahoo groups. I wrote 4 pen pal letters yesterday! They were all letters I received in the early part of July. I never used to wait that long to respond to letters but since stamps are so expensive, I've been taking a little longer. Plus, Kyle takes up most of my time.

I hope to switch to earth/environmentally friendly cleaning products very soon. As soon as my current cleaning supplies are out, I will be switching! I am looking into making my own cleaning products but I don't know if I could do it.

Our son turns 19 months old tomorrow! Wow! The time sure does fly by with him. He is eating more these days. Also, he hasn't really been taking naps for almost a week. I wonder if it's because of the heat or because he's getting older. He still sleeps all through the night, but he does wake up at night -- most likely from the heat.

We just got another big bag full of clothes for our DS so I need to go through it soon.

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