His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Autism Perspective 10/16

As I peered out of our front window, I watched mother and daughter walking about 5 feet away from each other.  Mom walking in the parking lot and daughter walking alongside on the sidewalk.  Daughter holding an umbrella over her head as the rain fell.  Mom wearing a black hat. 

What's different with this picture?  For me, it's the freedom of not having to hold your child's hand as you walk.  It may sound so simple, but for me, I am envious. 

Whenever we are walking with our son, we must hold his hand.  While our son is about the same age as the girl I saw walking alongside her mother, we must hold our son's hand at all times.  For one thing, our son has Autism.  He can and will try to run away and he can easily run into the street without looking out for cars.  Second, there are times he prefers to hold our hand because it's part of a routine.  He loves routine and gets upset if we break routine. 


  1. Hi! Thank you for your post on my blog. I started my blog in hopes to raise awareness and to connect with other parents facing similiar challenges. I have two other children considered "typical" or "normal". I have felt the same way when holding Brianna's hand and watching my son and being able to tell him to stop a moment. I know that if I let go of Brianna, it would only take seconds for her to disappear. Bri has gotten better about staying closer but I still never let go especially in big crowds for fear she will get away from me. You ever notice that fear stays with you no matter where you go?...I even have nightmares about her getting away from me and running through the crowd frantically screaming her name. I wake up in a cold sweat. Bri will be 7 in January so it seems we both have January babies. I have those same envious moments and I get moments of sadness. I think that makes us quite normal :) We want the best from them and we want to see them progress into adults with hopes and prayers that they may be independent. Your comment reminded me of my son's art lessons last week. His lessons are held in a coffee house/bookstore. He met with his second lesson last week and as we walked in, Brianna immediately got excited and wanted to jump and make noises everywhere. An older lady that I recognized as the owner, politely suggested that we might enjoy the veranda out back, that it was very beautiful. I know it was her way of kindly and gently trying to get us to wait outside. Charlie's teacher asked me as we were packing up his suppies, if having Brianna had changed who I was. I told her it had, not entirely in a bad way. I think it has made me more compassionate but also wary. I look at everything more cautiously and view people in new ways. It's life changing....

  2. Bless your heart! Your son has a good mom.
    Have a great Monday

  3. You are a good Mom. New follower, Would love a follow back.

