There are a lot of changes going on at Shannon's contract security job. It looks like there will be more supervisor positions opening up. Shannon mentioned that he's going to polish up his resume and send it in and let them know that he's looking for a full time position.
Shannon also shared with me his future plans. He said he was looking at several jobs ads and he noticed a pattern, they all wanted knowledge of OSHA, Safety, etc. He decided he would look into getting OSHA certified and any other "certifications" he can find. He wants to build his resume based on what he already has -- a Bachelor's Degree. Instead of going for another degree (he was considering going for a paralegal degree), he's going for certifications. He knows that we don't have the money for another degree program, so he'd rather build on his resume so that he can go for management positions to make himself more marketable.
What is Crunchy? "Green;" environmentally-friendly. I love green cleaning and making my own laundry soap!
His First Visit To His New School
Kyle starts school in just a few days! He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.

Thursday, January 31, 2013
Feeling Better and Back to School
Last night at bedtime, I was sure Kyle would have to stay home another day. This morning, he woke up just before 4am or so, which meant I woke up shortly after. I was able to "snooze" for a bit before getting up out of bed. I soon realized that Kyle was feeling much better and looking better. I decided then that he would be going to school today!
Since I was up so early, I decided to get my workout out of the way since I had a few hours before I had to get Kyle ready for school. Plus, my scheduled workout was only 30 minutes long.
As we were getting "ready" for school, Kyle seemed ready to go. He was excited to get back to school.
Since I was up so early, I decided to get my workout out of the way since I had a few hours before I had to get Kyle ready for school. Plus, my scheduled workout was only 30 minutes long.
As we were getting "ready" for school, Kyle seemed ready to go. He was excited to get back to school.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Every 2 Hours
Kyle had a rough night last night. He woke up roughly every 2 hours or so. He woke me up at least 3 times. We aren't sure what was wrong, but we think it may have been a toothache, one of his molars.
I sent him to school today but it seems he's sick. So I really don't know. Yesterday, his eyes had dark circles under them and today he looked even worse. It looks like we're keeping him home tomorrow.
I sent him to school today but it seems he's sick. So I really don't know. Yesterday, his eyes had dark circles under them and today he looked even worse. It looks like we're keeping him home tomorrow.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Put in his notice
Saturday was a lazy day for me. I didn't get much sleep from Friday night in to Saturday morning, so when I woke up, I just felt so tired. I even skipped my workout.
I woke up today determined to get my workout done, which I did. Shannon had to work last night from 11pm until 10:30am (he was covering a few hours for someone) and then head over to Best Buy to work 11am until 7pm.
At his security job, his boss put in his notice and Friday was his last day. Since his position is open, they have another supervisor filling in for him until they can hire for the manager position. Everyone is having to work a little extra to cover any spots left open. Which is why Shannon had to work at extra 3 1/2 hours for his security job.
Shannon called me this afternoon while on break at Best Buy, I was surprised because Best Buy doesn't really give breaks. They aren't required to, by law. But since he's working 8 hours, he gets a half hour lunch. He told me that he put in his notice with them, which I fully support. The place is so unprofessional and they don't have any policies or procedures written down, so it's difficult to follow rules when you are being told conflicting information by different managers. Shannon was told by the Assistant Store Manager to do something, yet he was told by another manager that he isn't supposed to do that. After that, he was just upset at the conflicting policies being told to him. He ended up putting in his notice and the manager had him fill out a form about why he is quitting. Shannon said the Assistant Manager seemed upset that he was quitting.
Shannon still has his security job and he can go into the main office and ask for more hours or any open positions that need a part time person. He can also work the college games if we really need the hours.
I woke up today determined to get my workout done, which I did. Shannon had to work last night from 11pm until 10:30am (he was covering a few hours for someone) and then head over to Best Buy to work 11am until 7pm.
At his security job, his boss put in his notice and Friday was his last day. Since his position is open, they have another supervisor filling in for him until they can hire for the manager position. Everyone is having to work a little extra to cover any spots left open. Which is why Shannon had to work at extra 3 1/2 hours for his security job.
Shannon called me this afternoon while on break at Best Buy, I was surprised because Best Buy doesn't really give breaks. They aren't required to, by law. But since he's working 8 hours, he gets a half hour lunch. He told me that he put in his notice with them, which I fully support. The place is so unprofessional and they don't have any policies or procedures written down, so it's difficult to follow rules when you are being told conflicting information by different managers. Shannon was told by the Assistant Store Manager to do something, yet he was told by another manager that he isn't supposed to do that. After that, he was just upset at the conflicting policies being told to him. He ended up putting in his notice and the manager had him fill out a form about why he is quitting. Shannon said the Assistant Manager seemed upset that he was quitting.
Shannon still has his security job and he can go into the main office and ask for more hours or any open positions that need a part time person. He can also work the college games if we really need the hours.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Home Early due to Snow
Kyle came home early this afternoon due to the weather. It was icy last night and snow, hail and raining throughout the day today. Many other schools, government offices, and daycares were closed or closed early today due to the weather.
Shannon has to work tonight, so I am worried about him having to drive to work. He's hoping to leave at least 3 hours before he has to be there just to be on the safe side.
Shannon has to work tonight, so I am worried about him having to drive to work. He's hoping to leave at least 3 hours before he has to be there just to be on the safe side.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap
This evening, I made homemade liquid laundry soap. I already had my powdered homemade laundry soap, but I made a cup of it into two bottles of liquid laundry soap! I am trying to stretch our laundry soap a little further.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
A long weekend and then some...
It's been a long four days with Kyle home from school. I can't wait until he goes back to school tomorrow. I have a few things I want to catch up on. I am looking forward to my quiet time to be able to work on the things.
Today, I decided that I needed to get a few things from Walgreens, so I took Kyle for a walk. He loves going with me to the store. He holds the reusable bags for me while we walk to and from the store. He loves helping me overall. I use reusable bags just so I don't have to carry 5 plastic bags (or however many) I would have if I didn't use a big reusable bag. It just makes it easier to carry my purchase in one or two bags.
It was nice to get out of the house, even though it was still cold! Kyle loved it too.
I bought a few things with coupons such as toothpaste, toothbrush and toilet paper. I also bought the store brand of draino because our bathroom sink and tub have been slow draining! It's been a nuisance! The store brand worked pretty well considering. I am always leery about using the store brand of a product, but I compared the ingredients and they were pretty much the same except one or two ingredients. The drains work at least 85% better than they were before. So, I am happy.
Today, I decided that I needed to get a few things from Walgreens, so I took Kyle for a walk. He loves going with me to the store. He holds the reusable bags for me while we walk to and from the store. He loves helping me overall. I use reusable bags just so I don't have to carry 5 plastic bags (or however many) I would have if I didn't use a big reusable bag. It just makes it easier to carry my purchase in one or two bags.
It was nice to get out of the house, even though it was still cold! Kyle loved it too.
I bought a few things with coupons such as toothpaste, toothbrush and toilet paper. I also bought the store brand of draino because our bathroom sink and tub have been slow draining! It's been a nuisance! The store brand worked pretty well considering. I am always leery about using the store brand of a product, but I compared the ingredients and they were pretty much the same except one or two ingredients. The drains work at least 85% better than they were before. So, I am happy.
Monday, January 21, 2013
More days off
Kyle was off of school today and will have tomorrow off as well. I am so ready for him to go back to school, he's been home since Friday!
I wasn't able to get much done today with him home. It's a little more difficult for me to concentrate when he is home, but I do try to do what I need to do.
Shannon will be taking extra shifts next week. Once he has his work schedule for Best Buy, he can determine how many more shifts he can take for a co-worker who overextended herself. She ended up taking so many shifts that she would have to work 15 days straight! Plus she's taking an Electronic Health Records course through the local community college. She offered him all of the extra shifts she took because she feels overwhelmed with her class and having to work. Hopefully Shannon can take as many shifts as he wants. We definitely need the money. Shannon is working on paying off his credit card.
Shannon also received a call from his manager from his security supervisor job. His manager put in his notice and will be leaving at the end of this week! He is working on having his guys cover shifts and give them extra shifts wherever needed so that everything is covered until they hire a new manager. I told Shannon that he should apply for a manager position with the security company. He now has a Bachelor's Degree, plus he's working in security for several years, been a manager and he's been on the other side of things. When he was working at a hotel as the manager, he was the client of the company he is now working for. He knows what a client is looking for in a security company! I really hope Shannon will apply for the job or any promotion within the security company.
I wasn't able to get much done today with him home. It's a little more difficult for me to concentrate when he is home, but I do try to do what I need to do.
Shannon will be taking extra shifts next week. Once he has his work schedule for Best Buy, he can determine how many more shifts he can take for a co-worker who overextended herself. She ended up taking so many shifts that she would have to work 15 days straight! Plus she's taking an Electronic Health Records course through the local community college. She offered him all of the extra shifts she took because she feels overwhelmed with her class and having to work. Hopefully Shannon can take as many shifts as he wants. We definitely need the money. Shannon is working on paying off his credit card.
Shannon also received a call from his manager from his security supervisor job. His manager put in his notice and will be leaving at the end of this week! He is working on having his guys cover shifts and give them extra shifts wherever needed so that everything is covered until they hire a new manager. I told Shannon that he should apply for a manager position with the security company. He now has a Bachelor's Degree, plus he's working in security for several years, been a manager and he's been on the other side of things. When he was working at a hotel as the manager, he was the client of the company he is now working for. He knows what a client is looking for in a security company! I really hope Shannon will apply for the job or any promotion within the security company.
Friday, January 18, 2013
It ended up snowing yesterday evening and all throughout the night. The school district decided to close the schools for Friday and let everyone know yesterday evening. I found out on Facebook from a local radio station's status update! There were other people who commented saying they received phone calls (we never received a call). I was planning on watching the local news station's website for updates if I didn't hear anything. We do not have local TV, so I have to depend on the internet for news and updates.
Since Kyle was home all day today, I did get a few loads of laundry done.
I am not sure what I will be doing this weekend. I'm thinking about making soy candles! I still have 3 more batches to make! I am still burning candles from the first two batches I made in December. I just love soy candles! I also have a plugin tart warmer, which I use for any leftover wax from burned candles or from my tarts that I make from the leftover wax from when I make the actual jar candles. I have the plugin tart warmer right next to my desk, so I turn that on while I am online. It's nice to add scent to the room.
Since Kyle was home all day today, I did get a few loads of laundry done.
I am not sure what I will be doing this weekend. I'm thinking about making soy candles! I still have 3 more batches to make! I am still burning candles from the first two batches I made in December. I just love soy candles! I also have a plugin tart warmer, which I use for any leftover wax from burned candles or from my tarts that I make from the leftover wax from when I make the actual jar candles. I have the plugin tart warmer right next to my desk, so I turn that on while I am online. It's nice to add scent to the room.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Snow Tonight
We are expecting snow tonight! I am not looking forward to it.
Shannon reminded me that they may cancel school tomorrow. I wish they didn't have to, but according to the forecast, it looks inevitable. I really enjoy my quiet time when Kyle is at school.
Shannon was called in to work from 10pm until 6am tonight. This is the third night in a row due to someone calling in sick. It just means more hours for us. Shannon is trying to pay down his credit card that he racked up over the holidays.
He worked at Best Buy today from 10am until 2pm. He had to stop at the sporting goods store to find some warm socks or toe guards. His shoes are sneakers and they get wet in the rain. Which made me realize that he needs work boots, especially since they keep his feet dry and warm.
I also reminded him to pick up a little sewing kit since he has a few buttons that needed to be sewn back on. He already had needles, so he bought white thread. He only has two work shirts for each job (his security job and Best Buy). One of his security job work shirts had two buttons missing on the cuff, so I "sewed" them both back on.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Uncertainty and Other opportunities
Shannon found out that Best Buy is hiring for his department. They posted the job opening at the beginning of December. He's not sure if they are looking to get rid of him or not. There are a few instances that makes him think so...but then again, he's not sure. Not only that, lately they were told that their are cutting back hours. Why would they be hiring for their department but cut hours on current employees?
Shannon also told me his other employer is hiring for an Account Manager position. That person is in charge of one client and they are in charge of their own set of employees, making sure shifts are covered, etc. I told him he should apply for it since he has managerial experience and a Bachelor's Degree!
He also saw a position he wants to apply for with Goodwill. So we'll see.
Shannon also told me his other employer is hiring for an Account Manager position. That person is in charge of one client and they are in charge of their own set of employees, making sure shifts are covered, etc. I told him he should apply for it since he has managerial experience and a Bachelor's Degree!
He also saw a position he wants to apply for with Goodwill. So we'll see.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Feeling better
I am starting to finally feel better. I didn't workout yesterday or today. I started feeling sick on Friday or Saturday. I was sneezing throughout the day and then I woke up on Saturday with a sore throat.
I really dislike that I couldn't workout on Sunday and today.
I hope to be back in full swing tomorrow! I miss working out!
I really dislike that I couldn't workout on Sunday and today.
I hope to be back in full swing tomorrow! I miss working out!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Two more products
I received a delivery from FedEx and UPS today. They literally stopped by within 5 minutes of each other. It was pretty funny! I received two more products to review, plus a book to review.
I also wrote two product reviews tonight. I am trying not to get behind on reviews and make time for other things.
I also wrote two product reviews tonight. I am trying not to get behind on reviews and make time for other things.
Monday, January 7, 2013
More review products
Over the holidays, my pitches and package deliveries were pretty dry. I barely received any pitches from PR companies wanting me to review their products. I also did not receive any new packages.
Today, I received a total of 4 packages. One of the packages contained my casserole dish. The other three are products that I need to review. I still have a few more reviews to do. I keep a list of products that need to be reviewed and write them in the order I receive them. Today, I received the Soda Stream, lip balm, and skin care products to review.
Today, I received a total of 4 packages. One of the packages contained my casserole dish. The other three are products that I need to review. I still have a few more reviews to do. I keep a list of products that need to be reviewed and write them in the order I receive them. Today, I received the Soda Stream, lip balm, and skin care products to review.
My dish arrived!
The casserole dish that I won arrived today! It is so pretty! It is in the dishwasher right now. I will be using it tomorrow to make tuna casserole! I am so excited to finally have a casserole dish with a lid. I've been looking at getting a casserole dish set for awhile now. I am glad I don't have to spend the money to buy one.
When I was entering the giveaway, I really wanted to win! I really like the color. It matches my Disney cookie jar that is red.
When I was entering the giveaway, I really wanted to win! I really like the color. It matches my Disney cookie jar that is red.
Sick Monday
Kyle is sick. He had to be brought home from school early today because he threw up at school. I am not sure if it's a cold or just an upset tummy. Yesterday, he ate candy from Valentine's Day. I told him he couldn't but he whined. When he doesn't get to do what he wants, he will have a tantrum. I think his body and tummy is hurting from eating the bad candy.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Credit Score
I received a call from the bank about my secured credit card application, she reminded me that I needed an account with them and I told her that I applied for one in early December. She looked it up and informed me that my account was opened and just needed to be funded! I just wish the bank would have told me this when it was opened. The account was opened on the same day I applied!!!!
I received my credit score from the bank. According to FICO, I am just under 700. That is MUCH better than what I thought it would be, considering I should have a foreclosure on there and unpaid credit card bills and other things.
When the time is right, I hope to re-apply for a credit card, I will try for either a secured card or a regular credit card and see which one I am approved for.
I received my credit score from the bank. According to FICO, I am just under 700. That is MUCH better than what I thought it would be, considering I should have a foreclosure on there and unpaid credit card bills and other things.
When the time is right, I hope to re-apply for a credit card, I will try for either a secured card or a regular credit card and see which one I am approved for.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Rent Due
We needed to pay rent, so I wrote the check and turned it in to the rental office. Since we didn't have enough in our main checking account, we had to go to Shannon's bank to pull out some cash to deposit into our account. By the way, our banks are across the street from each other. Anyway, after I deposited the cash into our account, I realized it wouldn't be enough to cover the rent, so we had to go back to his bank to pull out more.
That's when Shannon and I got into a disagreement over where our money is going. He knows that I was sent money from my parents for Christmas/Kyle's birthday. I bought a few things with the money, plus it's been helping to pay the bills for the last month. Shannon was confused as to where the money went because he was under the impression that we should have at least $1400 in the account. I told him that we do have utility bills, groceries to buy, etc. He wanted to see the bank account for himself to know where the money went.
We logged on when we got home and he saw that the money went to the toys we bought for Kyle at Toys R Us for Christmas, bills, HIS cell phone belt clip thing, and other things. All he seems to remember is the money going in and not the money going out... He doesn't pay the bills, I do. He said he had the same problem with his own account. He received an alert that he only had X amount of dollars left in his account and he had to check his account to see where all the money went.
That's when Shannon and I got into a disagreement over where our money is going. He knows that I was sent money from my parents for Christmas/Kyle's birthday. I bought a few things with the money, plus it's been helping to pay the bills for the last month. Shannon was confused as to where the money went because he was under the impression that we should have at least $1400 in the account. I told him that we do have utility bills, groceries to buy, etc. He wanted to see the bank account for himself to know where the money went.
We logged on when we got home and he saw that the money went to the toys we bought for Kyle at Toys R Us for Christmas, bills, HIS cell phone belt clip thing, and other things. All he seems to remember is the money going in and not the money going out... He doesn't pay the bills, I do. He said he had the same problem with his own account. He received an alert that he only had X amount of dollars left in his account and he had to check his account to see where all the money went.
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Every evening, Kyle seems to fall asleep at different times. It's a little difficult for us to forecast our evenings, since that is our ...
My mother-in-law, Kyle and I went shopping today. We stopped by Ross and Costco. I bought a trash can and shower liner for our bathroom. ...
I can't believe today is the last day of 2011! Although, that means tomorrow is my 9th Wedding Anniversary ! I am looking forward to...