His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Friday, November 30, 2007

Urgent Care

I realized this morning that my inhaler for my asthma is close to empty. Since I need it for a quick relief when I can barely breathe without wheezing, I decided it's time to go to a doctor. We're going to go to an Urgent Care place that we've seen a few times. I am going to ask for any and all asthma/allergy medicine I can get. LOL The doctor is going to probably think I am some addict! But I really like being able to breathe. I can't even walk up (down) the stairs without getting winded. I can barely go for a walk anymore either. I hate that I can barely workout for more than a few minutes without getting winded.

I am not saying the homeopathic remedies bought aren't working. We did go back a few days ago to buy some for my allergy to cats. That one definitely works. But the asthma one isn't as strong as I need it. I also think my allergies to pollen and grass are bothering me too. LOL

I am just relieved that Kyle doesn't seem to be allergic to anything.

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