Awhile back, when it was time to buy Kyle new shoes, I ended up buying 2 pairs of shoes. He only ended up wanting to wear one pair, the blue ones. He wore them until they literally ripped at the soles! Earlier this week, I brought out his other pair of shoes (white ones) and he reluctantly put them on and as soon as I walked away, he took them off and tried to put them back. I ended up helping him put them back on his feet and I quickly changed the situation (this usually helps when he's about to have a tantrum).
Kyle does not like change. He does not like new clothes either. It is very difficult to bring in new clothes for him to wear. He thrives on routine. I would love to dress him up in cute boy clothes but I have to stick to his school clothes.
All this week, he's been having tantrums, morning and night. It is very out of the ordinary for him. We don't know what triggers it either. There are times when he bangs his head against the wall. The other morning, he was a happy boy and smiling with me. The next minute he starts having a tantrum! It has been frustrating.
Shannon has said he does NOT want to put Kyle on medication, even though I am open to the idea. Then I thought about the possibility of trying an alternative herbal remedy that would be all natural and safe to use with no side effects. I found a product for tantrums but it's almost $40. If you buy 2, you get one free and that's about $70!
When Kyle got home from school, he was much better from the rest of this week. He cried and got upset at the usual issues that triggers him but that quickly passed. We're thinking he's used to his new shoes by now. It usually takes him a few days to get used to something new. After that, it's part of his routine.