His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our dryer

While I don't mind doing laundry, I was starting to hate our dryer.  I realize we have a stackable washer and dryer, but it would take several hours to dry one load of laundry.  I should preface this by saying that when we first moved in, we had to call customer service because we needed someone to show us how to hook up the washer to our kitchen sink (we rent the washer and dryer).  Also, we asked about the screen and how to remove it to remove the lint.  The lady on the phone told Shannon that we don't have to, since it's connect to the hose. 

It would literally take 4-6 hours to dry one load of towels.  Let's say I was doing 6 towels, I would have to split the load and dry 3 towels at a time and each load could take 2 to 3 hours to dry!  I really didn't look forward to drying jeans, which is why I started hang drying them! 

Just today, Shannon was playing around with the dryer and he found out that there is a screen and it does need to be cleaned.  It was filled with at least 3 inches thick of lint!  I was in the middle of drying our bedsheets (for a second round in the dryer) and who knows how long that would have taken to dry.  I also cut that load in half so I was only on the first half.  After Shannon cleaned the screen, I couldn't wait to try our dryer.  My second load of our sheets dried so quickly!  I didn't even have to do a second, third, or fourth round in the dryer. 

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