His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Yesterday, we went to Walmart while Kyle was at school.  It's easier for us to shop without Kyle there since he likes to pull things from the shelves that he wants such as cookies and other sweets!  It is really easy to buy too much when he's around.

This time around, I noticed that both Shannon and I were being frugal with the brands and products we were buying.  I chose the store brand eggs, rather than the eggs I normally buy that are a healthier option.  I also try not to buy too many snack foods and stick with foods for meals.  Shannon usually buys Starbucks coffee, but this time he bought Folgers.  When we walked by the Starbucks display I asked him why he didn't get that brand and he said, "well, look at how expensive it is."  So, we're both working on being conscious about about the money we spend at the grocery store. 

I have even thought about buying cow's milk instead of almond milk, but I'm unsure if I can stand the taste of it.  


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