Kyle rides the bus to and from school. When we signed up for him to be a bus rider, we were told that he would have to ride the "regular" bus with all of the other kids. We were given a harness for him to wear in the morning, that would "hold" him down on the bus seat. The afternoon bus is a different bus, but they added a special booster seat with seat belts.
Last week, there was a substitute bus driver and the bus she was driving did not have the hooks to strap his harness to, so I couldn't let him ride the bus. The bus driver didn't even have it noted that there would be a child with special needs on her route either. We ended up driving him to school that morning and let his teacher know and one of the assistant teacher's already knew what happened since she talked to the bus driver. I asked his teacher if I should let the assistant principal know what happened and she agreed that I should. That morning, I emailed the Assistant Principal (he's in charge of the buses) letting him know what happened. He emailed me the next day (apologizing for the delay) and let me know that he had no idea this happened.
Just this afternoon, our next door neighbor unbuckled Kyle from his seat which was odd since I usually do it. When she got off the bus, she told me what happened. She said just as they were pulling out of the school, Kyle unbuckled his seat belts (yes plural, he has one that goes around his chest and one that goes in his lap). He then got up from his seat and stood up to turn around to look at her and give her a big smile! The bus driver then had pull over and they both made sure he was buckled up again and I guess she had to sit next to him to make sure he stayed buckled up.
Unfortunately, I don't think all of these issues are being brought to the Assistant Principal's attention. I wish that the bus drivers would say something. The school won't provide a bus for his special needs, nor have they offered to have someone ride with him. For now, his "care and safety" is in the hands of a 9 year old and the bus driver. Does that sound safe
enough to you?
Lately, Kyle's been misbehaving and testing the limits. We think he's going through the terrible 2's or a little version of it. He's purposely doing things we told him not to do. If/when we try to discipline him or tell him no, he will laugh at us. I don't think he quite understands, but he does understand when we yell, point our finger at him and get a serious look on our face.