His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Got a little tan in the process

As I mentioned in my previous post, Kyle's bus was late picking him up for school yesterday morning.  His bus was 15 minutes late picking him up and when it came time for him to be dropped off, they were really late!  I was told that he would be dropped off around 2:45pm, so I left around 2:30pm just to be sure I was out there on time.  Well, 2:45pm rolled around, then it was 2:55pm.  It was hot with a slight wind, I was already sweaty and plus I really had to go to the bathroom.  At 3:05pm, I called Shannon to let him know that the bus still wasn't here and I had to use the bathroom.  He said to wait another 5 minutes and call him back.  The bus finally showed up at 3:07pm!!!  His bus was over 20 minutes late!  I am just glad that he wasn't dropped off somewhere else or he fell asleep and they forgot about him.  He was so calm and quiet on the walk back home.  His teacher said he had a good day and didn't even cry!  She sent him home with a few forms to fill out, including the application for free meals at school, so we're applying for that!  In the meantime, I am sending Kyle to school with $20 to cover the cost of meals until the application is approved. 

Shannon came to bed around 4:15am yesterday morning.  He didn't get to sleep until 7:15am or so.  He woke up to help me get Kyle up for school.  We ended up not going to Walmart since Shannon decided to stay up all night and into the next morning.  I told him that I really wanted us to go and it was important to me!  We are out of food!  My MIL has gone grocery shopping 4 times in the last 7 days, and we have gone zero times in the last 2 weeks!  I have some afternoon snack ideas for Kyle to enjoy after he gets home from school.  Let's hope he'll actually eat!

I really need to go to Walmart because I need more school clothes for Kyle.  His teacher needs an extra set of clothes to keep at school.   I plan on getting at least 6 sets of clothes, just because we aren't always able to do laundry. 

Yesterday was also a "historic day" for us!  Kyle ate salad!  I could NOT believe it.  I couldn't stop watching him eat it.  Getting him to eat salad is like teaching a pig to fly!  I was eating salad the last few days and he would try a bite and then spit it out.  Well, yesterday he actually chewed it and ate it!  Plus when the salad was gone, he wanted more!

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