What is Crunchy? "Green;" environmentally-friendly. I love green cleaning and making my own laundry soap!
His First Visit To His New School
Kyle starts school in just a few days! He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
The first 40 minutes
I had an exciting, sweaty, awesome, and fun workout doing Turbo Jam Punch, Kick & Jam today! The entire workout is over 48 minutes long. The last 8 minutes is an "after after" workout. I ended up doing the first 40 minutes of the workout and skipped the last 8 minute workout. I missed some of the steps, but it gives me something to work on!
Happy Halloween
Today is Halloween and we're staying in tonight. We don't do the trick or treating or dressing up since Kyle probably won't be into it. I don't think he would like the "scary" stuff, nor could we ever go to a Haunted House with all the screaming and scary sounds. Which reminds me, I love the show Parenthood on NBC, one of the families has a son who has autism. Here is a scene that I could relate to, where the mother is explaining Halloween to Max. She is preparing him to what can happen at Halloween and how it all works. In their case, Max is afraid of fire (whereas Kyle is afraid of scary noises/screaming). I can relate to what the family goes through with their son Max. There was a particular scene where she was asking her husband to pick up a certain type of cereal for Max, otherwise he won't eat his cereal, it had to be a certain kind.
Also, Kyle doesn't like putting on just any clothes, he would literally struggle if I had to put something different on him and if I did manage to get it on him, he would take it right off.
We were going to do the same as we did last year, pick up some Chinese food and eat it at home, but we had a big lunch and there's even food left over. I also "made" Double Chocolate Chip Cookies that I bought from Kyle's school fundraiser. I made a small batch yesterday as well and Shannon loved them! They are really good and gooey!
Also, Kyle doesn't like putting on just any clothes, he would literally struggle if I had to put something different on him and if I did manage to get it on him, he would take it right off.
We were going to do the same as we did last year, pick up some Chinese food and eat it at home, but we had a big lunch and there's even food left over. I also "made" Double Chocolate Chip Cookies that I bought from Kyle's school fundraiser. I made a small batch yesterday as well and Shannon loved them! They are really good and gooey!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
First Glance - a new workout
I received my new workout DVD called Turbo Jam Punch, Kick & Jam!!! I watched it all the way through, just to get a feel of it. It's faster paced than the original Turbo Jam 5 Rockin' Workouts. They have the same moves, but they added extra steps to the moves. It will take me some time to get the moves down but the entire workout looks fun! It's a long workout too, a little under 50 minutes! This will be a nice change from the original set as I need something new in my routine.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday was a long day
Yesterday was a long day for us. Kyle had occupational and speech therapy in the morning, which he loved! He didn't want to leave. Then at 2:45pm, we had a doctor appointment scheduled. Kyle has been blinking his eyes more than usual. He's not rubbing them as if they are itchy, so we think they may be dry. Even his teacher called us and consulted the school nurse who said it could be a "neurological" problem and that we should take him to the doctor. Kyle weighs 37 pounds. The doctor prescribed Zyrtec (for allergies) in liquid form, so I can hide it in his drink. He thinks it's allergies/changing of the seasons, etc. He didn't seem to concerned about it.
On our way home from the doctor's office, we stopped by his school to pick up the food we ordered from his school fundraiser. I ordered 2 pizzas, 2 types of cookies, and an apple pie! We had one pizza for dinner last night and Shannon really liked it.
Between 7pm and midnight, Kyle threw up at least 4 times! The last time he threw up, I was unable to go back to sleep. We're just hoping it isn't another round from March/April of this year. Shannon and I have been trying to figure out why he's throwing up as well.
On our way home from the doctor's office, we stopped by his school to pick up the food we ordered from his school fundraiser. I ordered 2 pizzas, 2 types of cookies, and an apple pie! We had one pizza for dinner last night and Shannon really liked it.
Between 7pm and midnight, Kyle threw up at least 4 times! The last time he threw up, I was unable to go back to sleep. We're just hoping it isn't another round from March/April of this year. Shannon and I have been trying to figure out why he's throwing up as well.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Another Amazon order!
I just placed another order on Amazon! This time, I ended up getting something for Shannon and another thing for both of us. On the way home from Kyle's therapy, Shannon said he would love to buy Eminem's CD with his favorite song: Not Afraid. The album just happens to have one of my favorite songs: Love the way you lie. So I found the album on Amazon and bought it with my gift cards! I also bought another set of satin pillowcases. I previously bought a set of satin pillowcases in green and it's a very dark green, this time I bought blue (Shannon's favorite color). This order came out to almost $21 and it didn't cost us a penny, since I used my gift cards!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
More FREE stuff from Amazon!
Thanks to a survey site I belong to, I was able to make another purchase from Amazon. I have been a member of a particular survey site for a few years now! As a member, I earn points for every survey I complete and after a few years, I had over 4000 points saved up. The site finally added better prizes and I redeemed my points for Amazon gift cards! I was able to gain $35 worth of Amazon gift cards! My Amazon order came out to over $32 (including shipping) and my order didn't cost me a penny! I ordered the hardcover book set of Twilight Collector's Edition (The Twilight Saga) and another Turbo Jam workout DVD to add to my collection. I am looking forward to receiving my goodies! I have yet to read the books, but have seen the movie Twilight. Based on the book reviews, everyone loves them and they read the entire set within a few days. I am excited about adding another Turbo Jam DVD to my workouts, I love Turbo Jam so much.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Busy weekend
My MIL and I went to look at apartments yesterday. They are looking at possible places to move into when they sell their house. We were able to tour one place and drove through two others that weren't open on the weekend. They seem really cute and cozy and makes me miss having our own place.
Today, my MIL and I ended up going to Mooresville, NC, a nearby city. First we stopped at ULTA, she needed more Bare Minerals makeup. She ended up buying foundation and I found concealer that matched my skin perfectly. I've been wanting some concealer since my current makeup doesn't seem to cover my imperfections that well. Then we stopped at for a bite of tex-mex food. We ended up sharing a meal. The food was really good and fresh tasting! We just wanted a quick bite before we went grocery shopping at BJ's (a warehouse store).
I bought shampoo/conditioner combo, toothpaste, and socks for Shannon. We also bought food for the whole household that should last us a month! This was my third or fourth time shopping there and now realize I do not like shopping there. The employees are somewhat rude at checkout! They act like we are bothering them! They aren't friendly, laugh, make jokes, etc. The cashier didn't even bother to move to help us load our stuff on to the conveyor belt, just stood there like a lazy ass!
Today, my MIL and I ended up going to Mooresville, NC, a nearby city. First we stopped at ULTA, she needed more Bare Minerals makeup. She ended up buying foundation and I found concealer that matched my skin perfectly. I've been wanting some concealer since my current makeup doesn't seem to cover my imperfections that well. Then we stopped at for a bite of tex-mex food. We ended up sharing a meal. The food was really good and fresh tasting! We just wanted a quick bite before we went grocery shopping at BJ's (a warehouse store).
I bought shampoo/conditioner combo, toothpaste, and socks for Shannon. We also bought food for the whole household that should last us a month! This was my third or fourth time shopping there and now realize I do not like shopping there. The employees are somewhat rude at checkout! They act like we are bothering them! They aren't friendly, laugh, make jokes, etc. The cashier didn't even bother to move to help us load our stuff on to the conveyor belt, just stood there like a lazy ass!
Back at Home
I've been back at home for about a week and a half, almost two weeks. I still feel like I am getting used to our usual routine. It's hard for me to get up early to get Kyle ready for school, I find myself snoozing longer.
We had to pick Kyle up early from school on Wednesday! His teacher called and said he's been acting up, he's kicking and hitting other kids. I asked her if she wanted us to come pick him up and she said it's not her decision to make, in other words, it would be our call (as his parents). So I told her we wouldn't. After I got off the phone, Shannon and I talked and decided we should go pick him up and I called her back to let her know that we'd come get him.
Kyle hasn't been to therapy in the last two weeks. We skipped two weeks ago because I had just returned home the day before and we skipped last week because the heater in our car is not working. His appointments are in the early morning!
We had to pick Kyle up early from school on Wednesday! His teacher called and said he's been acting up, he's kicking and hitting other kids. I asked her if she wanted us to come pick him up and she said it's not her decision to make, in other words, it would be our call (as his parents). So I told her we wouldn't. After I got off the phone, Shannon and I talked and decided we should go pick him up and I called her back to let her know that we'd come get him.
Kyle hasn't been to therapy in the last two weeks. We skipped two weeks ago because I had just returned home the day before and we skipped last week because the heater in our car is not working. His appointments are in the early morning!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Digital Camera
My mom came by the hotel early enough for us to have continental breakfast at the hotel. We stopped by my parents house to figure out how to pack Kyle's toys and everything else in my suitcase. I am also doing a load of laundry here. My parents are sending me home with one of their pieces of luggage to help carry my clothes!
My mom and I went to Burlington Coat Factory and I found a silver color Nine West wallet! I could have chosen black, but this time I wanted something other than black. Then I saw wristlets by Nine West, but ended up choosing a wallet in the end. I also bought two goodies for my husband! I bought him a new wallet and a watch! He is in need of both! The wallet and watch are both designer name brands too.
We headed over to Costco to return some items and do a little shopping. I found a digital camera that I liked, and it had all the features that I wanted. Then we went to the other side of the display and saw more cameras! I saw another camera for the same price as the one I chose, but the memory card had 4 MG's instead of 2 MG's and 14 megapixels instead of 12 megapixels. I ended up choosing the second digital camera. When we got to the register, it rang up with an automatic $20 off coupon, so it was much less than listed and less than the other digital camera.
My mom and I went to Burlington Coat Factory and I found a silver color Nine West wallet! I could have chosen black, but this time I wanted something other than black. Then I saw wristlets by Nine West, but ended up choosing a wallet in the end. I also bought two goodies for my husband! I bought him a new wallet and a watch! He is in need of both! The wallet and watch are both designer name brands too.
We headed over to Costco to return some items and do a little shopping. I found a digital camera that I liked, and it had all the features that I wanted. Then we went to the other side of the display and saw more cameras! I saw another camera for the same price as the one I chose, but the memory card had 4 MG's instead of 2 MG's and 14 megapixels instead of 12 megapixels. I ended up choosing the second digital camera. When we got to the register, it rang up with an automatic $20 off coupon, so it was much less than listed and less than the other digital camera.
Day with parents
I spent yesterday with my parents. They came over to the hotel early in the morning and we all had continental breakfast! We went across the street to Home Depot and I helped my mom find jade plants for my dad. My dad has been looking for a jade plant because it reminds him of his grandparent's house, so my mom and I ended up finding two different jades.
Then we headed over to my grandparent's house for a family meeting to discuss my grandpa's funeral and last minute details.
On the way home, we stopped at Costco where I got a zippered sweathirt and matching pants by DKNY. They are a faded green/avocado like color. I also bought a layered set of tank tops.
We went back to the hotel and just relaxed for a bit before we had dinner at Sizzler's! It was pretty good and I haven't eaten there in so long.
Then we headed over to my grandparent's house for a family meeting to discuss my grandpa's funeral and last minute details.
On the way home, we stopped at Costco where I got a zippered sweathirt and matching pants by DKNY. They are a faded green/avocado like color. I also bought a layered set of tank tops.
We went back to the hotel and just relaxed for a bit before we had dinner at Sizzler's! It was pretty good and I haven't eaten there in so long.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
In California for a bit
I am in California for my grandpa's funeral. He passed away on October 1st. I am staying at a hotel while I am here. I was supposed to stay two nights at my Uncle's house but I could barely make it one night. They have 4 cats and I am allergic. I can handle living with one cat with the help of homeopathic medicine but 4 was too much for me. About 30-40 minutes after I entered the house, my allergies started flaring up. My eyes got puffy, my nose got stuffy, and to top it off, my asthma flared up! I got about 2 or 3 hours of sleep that night. I am now staying at the hotel and feeling much better. I slept like a baby at the hotel. I can tell I am still on East Coast time because I woke up at around 4:30am PST, which is 7:30am EST. The hotel has continental breakfast from 6am til 10am so I filled up on food from there. I will have a nice healthy breakfast every morning I am there!
The hotel is located near shopping so I just walked next door to Old Navy! I spent about 45 minutes there, but didn't buy anything. My mom and I went shopping at Walmart and Kohl's. We ended up getting a zip-up cardigan/sweater with a hood for myself and 5 toys for Kyle! Two of them are remote control cars and the other three are Toy Story 3 toys. The Toy Story 3 toys were on clearance. They are so cute, they are a flashlight and they talk! Then we headed over to Kohl's. My mom bought a black tie for my Dad, shoes for herself, and shoes for me. I found a pair of toning shoes that were on sale by Avia. I've been wanting a pair of toning shoes for awhile now and so glad I have a pair.
The hotel is located near shopping so I just walked next door to Old Navy! I spent about 45 minutes there, but didn't buy anything. My mom and I went shopping at Walmart and Kohl's. We ended up getting a zip-up cardigan/sweater with a hood for myself and 5 toys for Kyle! Two of them are remote control cars and the other three are Toy Story 3 toys. The Toy Story 3 toys were on clearance. They are so cute, they are a flashlight and they talk! Then we headed over to Kohl's. My mom bought a black tie for my Dad, shoes for herself, and shoes for me. I found a pair of toning shoes that were on sale by Avia. I've been wanting a pair of toning shoes for awhile now and so glad I have a pair.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Update from his new teacher
We received a call from Kyle's new teacher this morning. Last week, he switched to the other preschool class with more students. She wanted to give us an update on Kyle and also a schedule change. She said he walks in a line without needing assistance or being reminded to do so. When he gets off the bus, he walks next to the teacher and this morning he tried to reach for her hand and she told him he had to walk on his own, which he did! He tried to feed the fish this morning and she said "apparently that didn't work out too well." LOL I happen to call the teacher back during nap time, she said they have music playing and it had whistling in it and Kyle started whistling too! He will also stay on his cot but he won't take a nap. It sounds like all the kids love playing with him and talking to him. I am glad he is able to hear all the kids his age talking!!!!
Also, every Wednesday is early release day for his class. He will now be getting out of school early on Wednesday at 11am and we have to pick him up, but the bus will still take him to school that morning.
The temperatures suddenly dropped this morning because it was 47 degrees. I tried putting Kyle's jacket on him and he refused it, so I put it in his backpack. I wore a jacket outside and he still didn't want to put his on even though I tried 3 times while we were outside. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering and he still didn't want his jacket on. I don't even know if his jacket still fits him since I bought it last year.
Also, every Wednesday is early release day for his class. He will now be getting out of school early on Wednesday at 11am and we have to pick him up, but the bus will still take him to school that morning.
The temperatures suddenly dropped this morning because it was 47 degrees. I tried putting Kyle's jacket on him and he refused it, so I put it in his backpack. I wore a jacket outside and he still didn't want to put his on even though I tried 3 times while we were outside. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering and he still didn't want his jacket on. I don't even know if his jacket still fits him since I bought it last year.
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Every evening, Kyle seems to fall asleep at different times. It's a little difficult for us to forecast our evenings, since that is our ...
My mother-in-law, Kyle and I went shopping today. We stopped by Ross and Costco. I bought a trash can and shower liner for our bathroom. ...
I can't believe today is the last day of 2011! Although, that means tomorrow is my 9th Wedding Anniversary ! I am looking forward to...