His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trying to make room

A few weeks ago, I went through Kyle's clothes to sort out the clothes he no longer wears or doesn't fit into and put them in boxes.  We had several cardboard diaper boxes around our room and I needed to get rid of them anyway.  I did this mainly to make more room in our room!  I feel like we don't have much "wall space" and our room is getting smaller and smaller.  All of our clothes sit in piles on the floor along the walls because our dressers are still packed in the garage. 

Today, I went through my clothes and have a nice pile ready to donate to Goodwill.  I have at least 3 or 4 pairs of jeans, several tank tops, and tops to giveaway.  I think I have more clothes in the closet to get rid of.

Hopefully I can make more space in our room because I feel so "closed in."  Shannon has clothes that I want to go through.  Although, there isn't much to get rid of because he doesn't have very much clothes to begin with. 

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