His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

All about Clothes

I was so proud of myself the other day, I went through my closet and drawers and got rid of a big pile of my clothes.

I made the necessary calls to have our utilities and cable/internet/phone turned off at the end of the month. I also called to have our washer and dryer picked up. Those 3 calls took about 5 minutes!

Today, I went through the bags of clothes in Kyle's closet and found more of my clothes. Some of my clothes in those bags were in good condition so I am keeping a little pile. I am trying so hard to get rid of my clothes and keep finding clothes that I want to keep. LOL I did throw away a lot of clothes hangers!

Kyle only has a small amount of clothes that we are keeping. The other bags of clothes are going to be donated. His room won't be hard to pack up! He has toys and clothes and I am taking care of the clothes part.

It sounds like Shannon will be keeping all of his clothes since he doesn't have much.

Shannon was going to rent a cargo van (from U-haul) to use to transport the pile of trash and clothes and old boxes. But now he's thinking of just using the car to take it back and forth to the dumpsters. We have a ton to throw away.

Shannon emailed the lady he had the interview with. Hopefully she gets back with us!


  1. I hope everything works out as planned. Waiting to hear about a job is so nerve-racking (sp?).

    Don't you hate going through clothes and stuff? I can think of a million better things to do. I DID clean out a closet the other day that was WAY overdue. I did feel good afterward!

  2. oh yea ... send some clothes my way!! lol
