I am taking the weekend off from working out. I did 30 minutes of pilates yesterday and my body is paying for it today. I am sore all over!
When it was time to pick Kyle up from the bus stop on Friday, the bus was already there waiting for us. Apparently they arrived early and they tried calling us. They said every time they tried calling us, they would get the fax machine noise. My MIL and her friend were trying to send a fax during that time! It sounded like the bus had been there for at least 10 minutes! I felt so bad. I am going to give the bus driver our cell phone number. I don't have the voicemail set up on it, but they can always text us too (since many people have cell phones these days).
We went to Walmart yesterday to pick up a few things. I talked to one of my former co-workers and he said that I could come back to work there (he already asked for me). It made me wonder if I really want to go back to work there. I've been thinking about taking the certified nursing assisting course. I guess North Carolina doesn't have a requirement of how long the course has to be, because this course is only one day! Once I take the course, I can take the State tests to get certified. There are actually several places that offer the "one day/fast track CNA course." Typically they are taught by one or two Registered Nurses, it sounds like they do this on the side for additional income. I have also looked on the local hospital website and they are currently hiring for CNAs.
Lately, we've been letting Kyle play on the computer. He plays around on the Nick Jr. website. They have games, art, videos, and radio of all their cartoon shows. As he plays, he's learning eye-hand coordination, he gets to hear music and cartoon characters talk to him. He loves it!
Our forecast is calling for a "winter mix" on Tuesday, which usually means snow and/or rain! Hopefully it won't be so bad to where Kyle will miss school on Wednesday!