His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gearing Up and Amazon Order

Shannon started college this week. Actually he had a few "orientation" type of classes, to prepare new students to how their school works online. They showed him the forum (how to login, how to navigate, etc). They also had a few classes with practice tests. Shannon officially starts his coursework later this month.

We finally received the debit card for his unemployment! We're just glad it arrived safely. They had to send him a new card. We are allowed 2 free ATM withdrawls a month at our bank (Wachovia), after that, there are fees (booooo!). We can also use it as a debit card in any store.

My in-laws are going on vacation this week. They don't have any hotel reservations, they said they are the type to just go and find a hotel when they get there! Shannon and I did that too many times while we were dating, we used to drive up to Reno, NV all the time without reservations. They plan on going to the beach! We get to watch their dog and cat for them during that time. With the hysteria of hog flu, I am sure they will find a hotel with plenty of rooms available and maybe even lower room rates than normal.

I am going to attempt to make a few casseroles this week! Look out! I'll have the fire department on speed dial, just in case. I have never made a casserole on my own, but I figure I can read...how hard can it be? LOL

I made a purchase on amazon tonight! I am so thrilled with this order, I blogged about it here. This was a mother's day gift to myself. I considered purchasing a DVD for Shannon, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (2008 version), however, I read the reviews for the movie and most of them said it was really bad!

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