His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I start a new job today!

I got the job at Sears and I start training today.  I have no idea how long I will be there, I was just left a voicemail by the lady in personnel that I should be there at 2pm today.  Although she never specified, I am hoping it's just computer training.

If I get off early enough, I plan on doing a little shopping at JC Penney's for some work clothes.  Hopefully I can find the right colors.  I need more clothes since we only do laundry once a week.  I am looking forward to working at a place that actually closes each day.  In the last 10 years, I haven't worked in a place that closes!  The jobs I've had in the last 10 years were at hotels and casinos, and Walmart!  Hotels and casinos never close, and Walmart only closes once a year!

I am also looking forward to getting out of the house every once in awhile.  Since Kyle has been out of preschool for the summer, he's been attached to my hip.  He doesn't like to leave my side.  If I leave the room, he has to follow.  My time away from home will give him some time with his Daddy!

I told Shannon that I want to get two new toys for Kyle.  One of them is Mr. Potato Head and the other is legos!  Mr. Potato Head can teach him the different parts of the face and body.  We can use that to show him where his eyes and ears are.  I also want legos so that Kyle and I can have something to play with.  He doesn't really like playing with toys, he'd rather hang around us.  Legos are colorful and I think he'll like putting them together and taking them apart.

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