His First Visit To His New School

Kyle starts school in just a few days!  He will be starting 6th grade at a brand new school, in a new school district.  

Monday, March 9, 2009

Exhausted and Frustrated

Shannon and I are exhausted and frustrated. Kyle went to bed around 9 PM or so, but then he woke up around 2 AM. We're not sure if it was because he was hot, we had to sleep with the window open because it was so hot. Anyway, he was fussy, frustrated, and having a tantrum. We finally turned on his cartoons on the Nick Jr. website. We had him watch Blue's Clues. I woke around 5:30 AM long enough to turn off the laptop and he was asleep! Kyle woke up around 9 AM and wanted to go right outside. I had him eat breakfast and then I had to get dressed super fast, just to take him outside.

Kyle's been tired all day today and having a tantrum for most of the day. So it's been even more frustrating for all of us. We are hoping he goes to bed early and stays asleep until morning.

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